
Satchmo allows you to setup multiple types of discount codes:

  • Straight dollar amounts
  • Percentage off
  • Free shipping

Each of these types can be qualified or limited by:

  • Number of uses
  • Minimum order
  • Specific dates
  • Specific products

Creating Discounts

A discount code is easy to setup in Satchmo using the following fields:


A simple characterization of the discount. For example, “New User Discount” or “Repeat Customer Promotion.”


The unique identifier a user would enter to activate this discount.


A straight dollar discount off a product. You can only have a dollar OR percentage.


A percent discount off the price.

Auto Discounts:

Use this field to advertise the discount on all products to which it applies. Generally this is used for site-wide sales. See Site-wide Sales via Auto Discounts for details.

Allowed Uses:

The number of times this discount can be applied.

Num Uses:

The number of times this discount has been used.

Minimum Order:

The minimum amount that must be purchased before this can apply.

Start Date:

The date when this discount becomes effective.

End Date:

The date when this discount is no longer valid.


A flag you can set to make it active. If you want to create a discount in advance but hold off on making it available, you can use this flag.

Free Shipping:

Whether or not this discount allows the user to not have to pay shipping charges.

Include Shipping:

A flag to determine if shipping costs should be affected by the discount.

Valid Products:

A list of all the products this discount is valid for.

Valid Categories:

New in version 0.9.1.

A list of categories this discount is valid for; the discount will be valid for products in these categories, as well as in their child categories.

Site-wide Sales via Auto Discounts

Automatic discounts are how you do side-wide sales.


Automatic discounts must always be percentage sales, and you can only have one running at a time. You should also ensure that you do not apply auto discounts to gift certificates.

  1. In your site’s admin interface, create a new discount.

  2. Make an “automatic” discount, so that it is available to the automatic discount template tags. Do not enter a new price in the admin for the products.

  3. In the template where you want to show the auto discount, load the {% satchmo_discounts %} (Visit Satchmo Templates documentation for details on Satchmo filters) filter library.

  4. You can now add some markup to your template, similar to below:

    {% if sale %}
      <div class="saleprices">
        <h3> Regular price: <span class="saleprice" id="price">{{
        <h3> {{ sale.percentage_text }} off: <span class="saleprice" id="sale_saved">{{
                           product|discount_saved:"sale"|currency }}</span></h3>
        <h3> Your price: <span class="saleprice" id="sale_price">{{
                           product|discount_price:"sale"|currency }}</span></h3>
    {% else %}
      <h3 id="price">{{product.unit_price|currency}}</h3>
    {% endif %}

The key parts of the above markup are the {{ product|discount_saved:"sale"|currency }} and the {{ product|discount_price:"sale"|currency }} filtered variables. The former returns the amount saved by the discount while the latter returns the discounted price, all in the correct locale currency.